The Private Room [Norwegian text]

No, it not going to be an "inside" report, only a short presentation.

With beard and nearly without (beard).

So, I'm Geir Sundet. I've got two sons at 20 years and 16 years, a beautiful wife with whom I just celebrated 20 years wedding anniversery. (She'd forgot the whole thing!!! Thats how the great ladies are! ;-)) I work as an international truck driver and a writer, with about 90 percent income from driving. The last fourteen years I've been driving between Murmansk, England, Portugal, Italia, Romania and Moskva, and a lot of places in between. Now a days I do trips from the south of Norway to EØS (minus England, Irland, Sweden and Finnland, but plus Tsjekkia). Altogether I've been driving trucks for about twenty years, since 1976, (with a one year break), and I've been truckin' through every single town in Norway exept Kristiansund. And what should I do there? ;-)

I have my own column called Sidespeilet in Transportmagasinet . (Mail a letter to the editor and pretty soon the magazine will be on the net!) Writing in Transportmagasinet is fun because the drivers all read it, and the responce is great. Most of the stories at Sundets TruckStop has been published in the magazine.

I've also published stories and articles in Klassekampen, Fædrelandsvennen and Trondhjemsavisa. (The last went broke after printing my doubleside article, and BEFORE sending me the money! Shit.)

I read a lot about computing and have writen a beginners guide article about progressiv use of the Internet in Røde Fane, the magazine belonging to the AKP (before they were connected to the net).

I'm also organizing truck drivers, and was the national leader of Norske Yrkessjåførers Forening, the truckdriving division of Norsk Rutebilarbeiderforbund from feb. 1997 til june 1998. I was also a member of Norsk Rutebilarbeiderforbund's national board, and local leader of NYF SØR.

I resigned from Rutebilarbeiderforbundet 25.9.98, and joined Norsk Transportarbeiderforbund (NTF). I'm leader of the drivers club at Grimestad Transport, and are a member of the board in the lokal union 61.

I can be reached at fax 38262198. The Fax is in my home, but I'm not always there. Try mobil telephone +47 90618620. Its useually in my pocket..

Have you seen the movie of my life?

Or read the the book?

The rest is coming one day, but it might be a good idea to follow closely!


This is the woman of my life!

And these are a few of my other women:

One of my first sweethearts.

The women in the Alpes

The old Spanish.

One of the most intensive ones.

The woman in Mandal

The women USA

The women in Sicilia

The women in Germany

The women i Norge

The women in Danmark

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